Discover RadiantOne with the Radiant Logic Training Academy

Discover the RadiantOne Identity Data Platform with expert-developed training courses on-demand.


Our Mission: your success with RadiantOne

Our goal is to empower our customers through world-class training, enabling them to achieve maximum value, efficiency, and innovation from our solutions.


Increase product knowledge

Our comprehensive Training Academy provides you with extensive courses on our entire Radiant Logic catalog, providing you with the skills to utilize the RadiantOne Platform to its fullest potential.

Learn at your preferred pace

Self-paced courses enable you to learn at your own convenience and select the most suitable training path for your needs.

Get RadiantOne certified

Become an expert and obtain a RadiantOne certification. Delve into a variety of in-depth courses to gain proficiency and maximize the use of our solutions.


Radiant Logic Training Academy

The Radiant Logic Training Academy provides a comprehensive online learning hub aimed at empowering users with extensive knowledge of our platform. Whether you seek to enhance your understanding or sharpen your technical abilities, our academy offers tailored interactive experiences to meet your needs. Learn to effectively manage identity data and harness analytics through practical insights and immersive hands-on training.

The Training Academy Offers:

  • Self-paced on-demand courses
  • Weekly instructor-led workshop options
  • Easily consumable training modules
  • Blend of virtual and live instructor-led sessions

Custom Trainings

Looking for more customized training? 

Get personalized training to build up the in-house team of your dreams

Want to train multiple team members? Dig deeper with specialized sessions? Tell us what you’re looking for and we'll work to customize a training solution for you.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can I get a preview of the Training Academy?

Sure can! Click here to get a short synopsis of what you can expect in our Radiant Logic Training Academy.

2. How much does it cost to access courses on the Training Academy?

There are various subscription options available to cater to your training requirements. Your Account Executive can assist you in selecting the most suitable tier for you.

3. How can I create an account on the Training Academy?

After registering to access the Training Academy, a member of our Training Team will contact you to provide your access and login details. Easy peasy!

4. How long do I have access to the course after enrolling?

Your access to the Training Academy remains valid throughout your contract term and can be extended upon renewing your software subscription.

5. What types of training courses are available on the portal?

E-Learning courses are accessible via a standard web browser and are self-paced online modules. Depending on the chosen tier, courses consist of a mix of online and instructor-led sessions. The course offerings encompass both functional and technical training covering the core features and components of Identity Data Management and Identity Analytics.

6. How can I contact customer support should I need assistance?

Feel free to contact and reach out to our Training Team at [email protected] for any inquiries or assistance you may need.

Let’s talk training

Contact us to get an overview of all our training courses and custom options, and let an identity management expert walk you through RadiantOne’s powerful identity unification platform.