Improve Your Identity Governance and Administration Program

Many IGA solution implementations fail without complete, accessible data. Don’t worry—RadiantOne is here to the rescue!



IGA solutions are in trouble

Over 50% of IGA projects are in distress. Without high quality data, and the connectors to access it, IGA solutions can’t make good decisions or efficiently manage access.
  • Identity governance solutions need correlated identity data for accurate decisions
  • These products expect a single normalized source of all needed attributes
  • But these products cannot handle legacy systems, and have limited connectors
  • Hard-coded integrations cost too much, take too long, and can’t be re-used

Gartner Agrees: Data Integration is a Major Problem for IGA

“Integrating different identity sources and multiple identity targets is one of the most problematic activities in Identity Access Management (IAM) initiatives in general."

Read the Gartner Market Guide for IGA

See how identity data enhances your identity governance solution

IGA solutions claim their connectors can do the trick, but only Radiant goes the last mile into all disparate data stores, making it easy to get the right data for the right decisions.
  1. Use your existing infrastructure to enable a successful IGA program
  2. Speed and enhance existing IGA implementations and deployments
  3. Make more confident policy decisions with improved data quality
  4. Easily add new data sources and targets without requiring application changes
  5. Boost IAM maturity with with proactive controls and data-driven governance


Read the Gartner Report

Faster time-to-value with your Identity Governance & Administration solution

Reduce the need for customization and save your budget. We dive deep into all your identity data stores, normalizing attributes for better identity governance and administration.

Create 360° views of every user

Rationalize and integrate identity across a large array of sources and build complete views of your entire identity infrastructure, as well as an attribute-rich, groups-savvy view of each individual user.

Enhance your risk posture

Use Identity Analytics to glean insight into your data, and understand your gaps, your outliers, and your overprivileged accounts.

Base policy decisions on real-time data

Build confidence in your security policies by ensuring that every policy is informed by clean, accurate, up-to-date identity data.

Streamline access reviews

Advanced identity analytics allows you to visualize data intuitively and add automation, anomaly detection, and intelligence to the user access review process.

Reduce your risk

Build your identity data pipelines.


Improve IGA solutions with data management

See what data-driven governance can do to rescue and enhance your IGA project today.

Automate user access reviews

Take the pain out of the access review process with data-oriented, user-friendly interfaces, making security and compliance a whole easier.


Minimize risk with Identity Analytics

Respond to audit recommendations, review risk scores, and automate controls to ensure that your company’s access rights stay compliant.


Unify data for easier IGA

Identity Data Management unifies all your identity information on demand, giving you flexibility to successfully deploy and adapt your IGA platform.


Rescue your IGA solution with the RadiantOne Identity Data Platform

No matter where you are with your Identity Governance solution, we can help get you back on track!