Identity Unification

What is Identity Unification? 

Identity Unification is a process that takes identity data from all sources and protocols, creating a unique reference list and rich global profile of all users which is securely consumable by anything, anywhere, anytime. The unification process takes distributed identity data from all sources and builds a master index of identity from across the organization– a rich data set containing all user information which is consumable by any application, in the format which it requires. The goal is to take a core asset for organizations that is not being optimally leveraged—identity data—and transform it into a reusable resource for the entire organization.

How does Identity Unification work?

The Radiant Logic approach to identity unification is based on model-driven virtualization. This allows our platform to:

  1. Integrate identity from disparate silos based on sophisticated correlation logic
  2. Map and transform varied identity representations into a global data model
  3. Build views flexibly that meet application requirements, infinitely
  4. Enrich user profiles with attributes and context
  5. Build dynamic groups to radically reduce manual effort and increase security
  6. Deliver the speed and scalability required for modern digital enterprises and future proof the infrastructure
  7. Synchronize in real time to propagate identity data and maintain coherence and reliability


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A global view of users drives success across every
identity-centric initiative—learn how!